Highlands Ranch Area Cycling Road Cycling Colorado Streech Greg Streech Gregory

Friday, August 25, 2006

Cycling School

How do you know your kid has a shot at getting a good grade?  When you learn that their teacher just rode the triple by pass. 

Last night was “back to school” night at the local Jr. High where we learned that Miss M’s language arts teacher is a cyclist and a spin instructor.  Pretty bitch’n I say.

As I have written/said many times in the past, compared to the mainstream cyclists have a very different view of the world.  Consider Bob Roll.  A cyclist understands his humor where as the sedentary don’t.

With this in mind, Miss M has been raised in house with a cyclist and therefore has a keen understanding of how we think.  As such, I believe that she is better equipped to understand her language arts instructor.

How’s that for pressure on a kid!!!


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